We have over 15 years of experience.

Green Building Initiative

Your factory/warehouse/facility can become a Green Building with Sankalp’s help.

       Benefits of a Green Building:
  • You save 30-40% on your energy usage.
  • You save 20-30% on your water usage
  • You can expect 13-15% increase in the overall performance of your workers, staff, and employees.
  • Huge improvement in your factory’s indoor air quality, lighting, and in the health of your employees.
       A Green Building contains:
  • Roofing and Wall Cladding that bring natural light into your factory.
  • Natural ventilator systems for air circulation and temperature control. 
  • Insulation systems that enhance power efficient which subsequently save your energy expenditures.
  • Gutter and downspouts for Rain Water Harvesting which in turn save your water expenditures.
  • Solar Panel solutions to generate in-house electricity.

Sankalp can design your factory keeping all the above parameters into consideration. You will be able to then apply for a Green Building Certification from Indian Green Building Council.